Sunday, May 3, 2009

self redemption by osman

Full Time: ODS 2 - 1 Marine Castle Veterans(Half time: 1 - 0)
Scorers: Irwin (x01), Osman(x01)
Man Of Match: Mark Penu

Starting Line-Up
GK: Kumar
Def[L-R]: Hairy, Mark Penu, Rosk, Hanz
Mid[L-R]: Osman, Mark Teo, Denis, Irwin
Striker: Elango, Kee Yong

Playing against a relatively experienced team, ODS knew they had to get into the game fast. Indeed, the first few dangers all came from ODS side, threatening to score and could be easily up by a few goals if not for Osman's 3 misses when he was often left with the keeper to beat but the shots were off targets - his reasons when he was sidelined during 2nd half was there the cones behind the goal post was very distracting to him because he always aim for the goal post (but ain't the goal posts white in color? perhaps just perhaps he's color blind)

Elango too missed one great chance when Osman found him totally free on the left but the shot was taken hastily and off target.

Deadlock was broken finally through a corner. A header deflected the corner up into the air, Irwin waited very long for the ball to come down again and somehow managed to squeeze it between 2 defenders (i think) and the near post for the much needed goal. [1-0]

ODS's defence played pretty well especially now the usual pair of central backs are played together, often limiting the opponents to taking shots from outside which were mainly non-threatening.

Denis missed a golden opportunity to capitalize on a successful pressuring effort from Ken Wong(who replaced Elango) on the keeper who failed to collect the loose ball. With the whole goal post to his mercy, instead of putting the ball with a simple touch into the net, Denis attempted to try placing it at the top right corner - to the wrong side of course.

The whistle came and Marine Castle have to thank that they were only trailing by 1 goal, had ODS taken their chances, it would be more.

2nd Half Line-Up
GK: Kee Yong
Def[L-R]: Chi Mian, Fred, Mark Penu, Tony
Mid[L-R]: James, Gary, Aidil, Cheen Ming
Striker: Ken Wong, (GP)Michael?

Marine Castle make changes with 2 speedy wingers (one looking not so veteran afterall), who were both fast on the break.

But we had our speedy Cheen Ming as well. He came close to score when he made a blasting run down the left, sending the ball past the defender and the goalkeeper, but the ball went past the far side post.

Sng then made his entrance into the game by substituting Ken Wong.

During a corner, ODS failed to deal with a corner (or was it a cross??) and the ball was directed into goal by the strikers [1-1].

ODS made some substitution with Irwin taking over James and Osman replacing Michael. It didn't took too long, when Osman found himself free on the left and this time without the distraction of the orange cone, he finally put it between the left near post. His redemption for his terrible misses in the 1st half [2-1]

Tony soon was exhausted (very rare since he managed to play the last 2-3 full games ) by the speedy right wing. Hairy came in again for him.

The final whistle soon went off and though ODS won this game, they should have killed it off in the first half.


Mr I said...

I have too add to the comment that Mr D did not only have the whole goalpost inside the 6 yard box at his mercy, the goalkeeper was also sprawled on the floor lying helpless like the swines with the flu virus. It was indeed an ugly ugly as the swines themselves. Hehe ;-D

Anonymous said...

In fact the keeper wanted Dennis to score and end his misery of having to dive again.poor guy looks like grobelaar on the take.But Dennis had other ideas of grandeur....anyway guys, i'm sorry for my misses,just wanted to make the game exciting.Mr Sng, pls ask the boys to remove the orange cones beside posts next time.that's why i missed.

Mr O

Mr H said...

Mr O, so you are not color blind after all since u know the cones are orange in color haha

Anonymous said...

When it was announced that i got 5 votes, the 3 voices of discord(Mr I,Mr H, Mr A) immediately shouted that it was rigged.i was taken aback by their senseless accusations and was ashamed to be be in that company of people for half my life (17 years to be exact,but i dont look 34 rite ;])anyway ODS committee has promised to look into this serious matter and punishment will be meted out immediately (in fact more serious that Joey Barton).

Mr O

Mr H said...

Mr O, u have mistaken our voices! it was our voices of dismay because we were wondering how come you only had 5 votes and we knew you weren't the MOM already.
The first few votes were all singles and adding your 5, adds up to a total 9 or 10 then and since we had about 16 / 17 players that day, we knew the MOM was someone how! we were disappointed mah .. even though voting is supposed to be sacred, do trust that us (Mr H,Mr A and Mr I )always help rigged the voting for you - Mr O! WHAHAHHA

Rosk said...

i enjoyed reading the constructive report written by mr O since it consists of creativity, conspiracy & follow up contentious comments from the gang ... keep it up guys!

Mr I said...

Btw, Mr O has been bragging that he has the upper management of the team in his bag. He says that he gets first hand information much earlier than the rest of the team. There's even reports that even some of the players(actually only Mr A) don't get the info that he gets leading to solo show-up at last week's empty VS field.

He goes on further to say that the management is BEGGING for him to come back and play more regularly. I have nothing against Mr O but I find his attitude a bit too much. Can someone in the management committee confirm any of his claims? ;-D

Mr I

Anonymous said...

ODS management is keeping mum because they dont wanna waste time talking to red-carded fact, your disciplinary hearing is coming that case, i should remind my cronies bout this asap.....

Mr O

Mr H said...

Rosk: The report wasn't written by Osman on this occasion. He's too busy engaging and entertaining the beggings with the upper management.