Sunday, August 2, 2009

we maintained the record

Full Time: ODS 3 - 3 Marine Sunday(Half time: 1 - 3)
Scorers: Elango(x01), Own Goal(x01), Gary(x01)
Man Of Match: Mun Kit(GP)
Yellow Cards: Liang Han

Starting Line-Up
GK: Kee Yong
Def[L-R]: Hairy, Hanz, Rosk, Tony
Mid[L-R]: Osman, Mark Teo, Aidil, Ken Wong
Striker: Elango, Liang Han

Marine Sunday came with vengeance in mind today. Having played with us for many years (9 years) and quite regularly within each year they know our players and system pretty well.

From the start, they did not give us much space and time on the ball, nonetheless we were still quite comfortable in our play.

The break came when Elango who up to this stage at a relatively quiet game scored from a simple tap-in via Liang Han’s cross from the right flank. [1-0] This seems to be put the game more alive. We had a few breaks through both left and right flanks but nothing meaningful came out of it.

Perhaps it was the scorching sun effect, our defence was not high up enough to help the attack – amid the more attacking minded Mark Penu was absent on this occasion. Mark Teo, Osman and Liang Han were all either closed down fast or double teamed. Quite often Ken Wong was free on the right but either he did not make full use of the empty space or the crosses lacking accuracy.

Although up to this time, we were playing comfortably and to our pace. Tony also look to be enjoying himself on the pitch and looks like time has gone backwards for him, playing like he was much younger!

However, within a span of 10 minutes of concentration lapse, no proper covering / communication in defence and more “thanks” to bad refereeing. Marine Sunday shocked ODS by pumping in 3 goals with that span of time. First was our failure to clear the ball out of defence, and the striker put the ball to the right bottom corner pass the outstretched hands of Kee Yong. Second was a save by Kee Yong but as the ball tickle passed our goal line and appear out-bound, however their striker whom Hanz did not see arrived earlier than Hanz to put the ball into the empty net. The 3rd goal was a lob over Kee Yong when referee claimed that No4 Hairy put the striker onside when he was merely trying to run back and help out because the whistle was not blown.

Our perfect record against them appear to be cracking, perhaps history may not repeat again afterall. Or was it like what Mark Teo has predicted that he's the jinx - because he also play for our opponents and when he play for them against us, they never win. Now that he play for us fully today, we will experience the curse?

2nd Half Line-Up
GK: Mun Kit
Def[L-R]: Chee Mun, Hanz, Rosk, Kiam Meng
Mid[L-R]: Osman, Mark Teo, Irwin, Kee Yong
Striker: Gary, Liang Han

We knew we have to get our early goal fast if we want to keep our record intact and we adopted a more offensive approach. This could be quite dangerous should we be caught unaware. Something we should be worried as the defence did not have a good first half. Once the game started, our worries also begins to fade away.

Kiam Meng seem to have shake off his injuries problems and looks more like his old self which Hairy termed as the Kallang Xia! During those days, he was so good that any balls that goes behind Hairy, before Hairy can fully turned back (that how’s slow his turn is how was Xia just too quick then?), Xia will be there to collect the ball. Hanz and Rosk now look more confident and comfortable with their occasional partnership. Chee Mun was enterprising in supporting the attack as well! Stand In keeper Mun kit also had a good game and we have him much to thanks for keeping us in the game with a few brilliant world class saves although I wished only the “style” could be nicer.

Irwin today also played like he was on red-hot form, hurdling past his tacklers much to the delight of his side-line fans, they were “fanning” him even hotter?! However today his passing were not quite up to his usual mark. Nonetheless it was still entertaining.

Mark Teo remained as our midfield general while Kee Yong was doing his bit to help in both attack and defence. Gary and Liang Han partnership looks reunited considering Gary has been on and off regularly(we can only wish he would only “on” more often then “off” reguarl), both posing problems for the opponents.

Our 2nd important goal finally came when Liang Han brought through the left from a down-the-flank ball. And we have to thanks their defender for putting in the 2nd goal for us when he scored the whole goal from Liang Han’s resulting cross. This put us back in the game. [2-3]

Soon Kiam Meng had to substitute himself out because his shin was injured (y? because he forget to put on his shin-guards, guys, Shin guards are important ok?) In go, Mr Sng. Gary move to central midfield role, Mark Teo moved to the right and Kee Yong moved to right defence.

Our game could have been over at after this, as there were 2 goal bound shots if not for the excellent work from our keeper Mun Kit, who made the seemingly impossible saves plausible. *clap clap and cheers from the side line*

Soon Gary found the net finally! And put us back on equal terms in the game. [3-3].

After this, Marine Sunday seemed to have lost their plot and became increasing frustrated. This clearly shown by at least 3-4 yellows cards given to their players for bad tackles. Liang Han found himself on the receiving end on one such occasion but also received his yellow card for “diving”. Osman also dived once or twice in the box but the referee decided not to believe his diving skills.

The best chance to win the game went to Mr Sng when a cross from Osman from the right to the left nearly for Mr Sng who would have put it in if not for a last minute deflection from the defender’s leg but nothing came out of this corner.

The whistle went off soon after, our record intact and Mark Teo’s self-thought jinx apparently not working.

P.S Do you think we banned this referee who is so lazy, wear the similar color as our opponent and only changed when we asked him to… Think he should pay us to let him referee our games

More importantly, this has to be in red.
After investigation, it was concluded that Mr O was not one of the two who paid the fine!


rosk said...

thx 4 the well-written report. I will take of team's feedback on ref's performance. Follow up to liaise with my ref coordinator to up the std of ref appointed for our games. Cheers oDs!

Anonymous said...

Ken Wong,
Hello! I have only missed the last game and for that I have deemed to be irregular in my attendance. What rubbish! Also, why was there no mention of how I scored the goal? Anyway, I will let my work rate on the field do the talking and writing instead of others not running as much as we would like to be.

mr k.w. said...

Mr Gary Ong,

I did not write this week's report.

Please redirvert your enquiries to the webmaster.

Don't any-o-how accused me of things I didn't do or write leh...


Mr H,
please assist to answer Mr GO's questions.

A deeply hurted
Mr K.W.

Anonymous said...

I am the one who's deeply hurt, not you ken wong! My pocket and my pride was hurt when i had to pay the fine.....

Mr O

KK the GK said...

Mr O, the report says after investigation, you are not one of the two who paid the fine but as above you said you paid the fine. Very mysterious!!!

Mr H said...

Mr KK the GK >> regarding Mr O , it's no mystery that he is a all out right liar!!

Mr KW >> Sorry that u were "misquoted"

Mr GO >> I just drawing out the flame in you so that your performance can even be better, more red, hotter than Mr I. The reason why i missed out how u scored because of ur irregularity, i forgot you were playing WHAHAHHAH
just kidding, please advice on ur beauty strike and i be glad to glorify it for u!

Sincerely from your dearest WebMaster

Anonymous said...

i remembered vividly payin the fine....on time.please, please..stop calling me an all-out liar, in fact i'm an all-out team player just like you,my buddy Mr H.

Mr O (terribly hurt just like GO)

Mr H (terribly hurt just like GO and Mr O cos i hurt them) said...

Mr O >> ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

ello u all stop the freaky "hurt" thingy ... pls be more manly next sat cos i got Suria mediacorp to film & interview ODs multi-racial "harmonious" team as part of National Day Celebrating Multi-Racial. I have spoken to Team Capt & agreed that we put up a good show by having a good game, having "makan" after game with our FAMILY members (who will be interviewed as well)... so pls come + family members. thx

Rosk said... the way I am the one informing all of u abt the Suria mediacorp coming this Sat. Another level of platform to promote OdS ...vansatham next?

Anonymous said...

guys,i'm wearing red baju kurung with patriotic white starry shoes....

Mr O